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Genetics Program

Welcome to the Wolper Jewish Hospital Preconception Genetic Screening Program

How does screening work?


involving lab tests that look at your DNA.


detecting whether you are a "carrier" of a genetic condition (whether you hav a single copy of a gene fault).


offered to groups of healthy people, to find out if you have an increased chance of having children with a genetic condition.

If you decide to be tested and complete the registration form after this information, our genetic counsellor will mail you a cheek swab collection kit with instructions. Once you have collected your sample, you return it in the reply paid envelope. Your sample will be tested to see if you are a carrier of any of the gene faults included in the option you select. The genetic counsellor will contact you by email when your results are available.

Want to learn more about genetic carrier screening?

Carrier screening and Jewish ancestry

The Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium (JGDC) aims to increase awareness about Jewish genetic diseases and encourages timely and appropriate carrier screening for all persons who have any Jewish ancestry, as well as couples of mixed heritage. 

Their website includes personal stories relating to carrier testing, and has been an important resource in the carrier screening programs run by Wolper Jewish Hospital for over 25 years. You may like to explore some of these resources.

Some people may choose to have their results held separately for use in shidduch, similar to the Dor Yeshorim program. Please contact us if you would like more information about this option by emailing nicolecousens@wolper.com.au

© Copyright 2025 Community Genetics Program